Friday, December 16, 2011

UNDERACTIVE THYROID...Impossible To Lose Weight?

Do you also feel tired ALL the time? Drained? Irritable and even depressed some days? Are you experiencing unexplained hair loss?

Well, if you answered yes to any of these questions then you could be suffering from an underactive thyroid.

There is little doubt thyroid problems are fast becoming the leading cause of weight gain, mood changes and ongoing fatigue. And millions suffer... without even knowing about it!

underactive thyroid, or hypothyroidism as it is termed leads to inadequate thyroid hormone production.

levels of critical thyroid hormones will cause your metabolism to slow to a crawl, making it nearly impossible to lose weight.

Why Diets Have Failed You...

It's no secret that in order to lose lose weight you have to burn more calories than you consume. And for everyone else in the world this usually works.
when you have hypothyroidism strict weight loss diets WILL NOT work for you.

can work hard to follow a diet religiously every single day and still only lose a few kilos...
or ....NO weight at all.?

The truth is cutting calories is not the solution when you have hypothyroidism. When you cut calories your thyroid slows down. This is an automatic response to dieting. This slows your metabolism even further making the symptoms of a sluggish thyroid even more of a problem.

But if you were to follow a healthy, natural thyroid diet that actually works to BOOST your thyroid activity and SKYROCKET your metabolism, then you could level the playing field and finally lose the weight. Can you imagine how great that would feel?

And in a few minutes I am going to tell you how you can do just that.

But before I say any more I want you to look over these symptoms and decide if you are actually suffering from hypothyroidism.

The Tell-Tale Signs of Hypothyroidism

When most people start a weight loss diet they say that it makes them feel great! They have more energy, they start dropping kilos right away, and they are instantly happy with the results.
But if you suffer from hypothyroidism, a weight loss diet can actually make you feel cranky, it can make you feel even more tired and more unhappy.

Low energy, mood changes and weight gain are just a few of the tell-tale signs of an underactive thyroid.

Take a few moments and look over my low thyroid symptom checklist...
  • You have problems losing weight & you gain weight easily
  • You constantly feel tired & lethargic
  • You have mood swings that range from mild to severe
  • You feel down-in-the-dumps & even depressed
  • You are easily irritated
  • Your muscles ache or feel weak
  • You are experiencing pain in your joints
  • You have menstrual problems, or irregular periods
  • You become cold easily & have poor circulation
  • You have a decreased interest in sex
  • Your skin is dry & pale
  • You are worried about excessive hair loss
  • You have low blood pressure & heart palpitations
  • Your face, hands & feet become swollen or puffy
If you are suffering from hypothyroidism you will suffer from some or even all of these symptoms in a wide range of severity.

But you don’t have to continue to suffer!

There is something that you can do today to support your thyroid, feel better and shed that stubborn weight today!

If Weight Loss Diets Don’t Work For You... It's Time for You to Uncover the Simple Method to Support Your Thyroid & Supercharge
Your Weight Loss

You know that something isn’t right with your body. You know that it shouldn’t be this difficult to lose weight. You know that you should have more energy and you should feel better.
And now you can.
When you discover how to support your thyroid with a healthy, natural thyroid diet you will SEE and FEEL the results!

The Natural Thyroid Diet

The thyroid is an important gland that controls energy metabolism. When your thyroid doesn’t get the nutrition it needs... it becomes exhausted and it makes weight loss slow to a crawl. Now you can finally take control and get your whole body health back on track with my powerful and simple-to-follow natural thyroid diet.
The Natural Thyroid Diet is designed to boost your thyroid with healthy foods and targeted nutrients to help you finally LOSE THE WEIGHT..
And that’s not all... With The Natural Thyroid Diet you are going to be able to...

    The Natural Thyroid Diet Uncover the 4 week step-by-step diet plan that takes the guess work out of choosing foods that support healthy thyroid activity
    The Natural Thyroid Diet Discover the secrets to eating foods that nourish your thyroid & which foods damage your thyroid
    The Natural Thyroid Diet Find out why soy foods harm your thyroid
    The Natural Thyroid Diet Discover how to prepare easy & nutritious meals so you can enjoy delicious foods
    The Natural Thyroid Diet Identify & treat the underlying causes of your thyroid problem
    The Natural Thyroid Diet Find out how to get a real medical diagnosis
    The Natural Thyroid Diet How to assess your thyroid activity at home with a simple testing procedure
    The Natural Thyroid Diet Find out which specific nutrients help enhance natural thyroid activity
    The Natural Thyroid Diet Discover why iodine is such a critical mineral to safeguard the thyroid
    The Natural Thyroid Diet Reduce thyroid stress & skyrocket your metabolism with a few simple physical activities
    The Natural Thyroid Diet Learn about reverse T3 dominance & how to treat this common thyroid problem
    The Natural Thyroid Diet How to successfully recover natural thyroid function in just a few short weeks!

    source of info...
