Thursday, September 22, 2011

Understanding the Law of Attraction – The Secret

We all work with one infinite power

Everything in the universe is made of energy…even us
We are like magnets…. And energy attracts… other energy

Whatever is going on in your mind… 
is what you are attracting into your life… right now!

You become and attract ….what you think about most

The most powerful and potent form of energy known in the universe is…thought!
Every thought has a frequency…
thoughts send out magnetic energy that attracts  'like'  for energy

Here lies the challenge… thoughts become things!

Most people think about they don’t want…
so by default they attract more of the same..!

So if your thoughts are attached to strong emotions ( good or bad ) that speeds up the creation process

Remember you attracts your thoughts….
so choose your thoughts carefully!

Have you ever noticed… that  those who speaks most of illness have it…. And those that  speaks most of prosperity have  it

Thoughts caused feelings …. So whatever you are  feeling now is a perfect reflection of what’s in the process of becoming!

And you get exactly what you are feeling 
so happy feelings will attract more happy circumstances

You can begin to feel whatever you want right now …. 
And the universe will correspond to the nature of your song

And what ever you focus on with your thoughts and feelings…
is what you will attract into your life..

Remember… you can create your own universe as you go along…
so it’s important to feel good

Life is amazing… 
whenever  you consciously apply…the law of attraction

The universe likes speed…
So don’t delay…
Don’t second guess… 
Don’t doubt

When the opportunity, impulse or intuition is there … ACT !!

And the universe will re arrange itself accordingly…Just For You !!

Being greatful…..
will create more things in your life to be greatful for

Visualise ! Rehearse  your future…

Visualise what you want ..
feel the feelings of having it already.

Focus on only to have the end goal and… 
leave the rest to the Universe...

Scientist have now proved that a positive thought is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative thoughts

Everytime you have a negative thought… 
immediately think of a happy memory or someone you love….
For no one else can think or feel for you… 
it’s all you…only YOU !!

Are your constant thoughts worthy of you.?

Don’t waste energy on negative thoughts … 
only focus on what you want

And take your attention away from thinking what you don’t want

Only think about what brings you joy 
as this will raise your vibration straight away

Then commit to staying in a high vibration & 
set a goal so big it will blow your mind if you achieve it

Visualise of having it everyday for 5 mins…
for you are the only one who creates your reality … 
you really are !!

Remember… Thoughts become things..

So always think good things!

Take action right now to enjoy your life…

Set yourself free…
You’re amazing….
You really are..!!
