Thursday, September 8, 2011

Extending the Knowledge

All I wanted to do is to extend the product knowledge and it's existance to others around the globe.

My reason is simple ....

I believe ..what we received we must give it back to others and share what we have received.  

And in this case ..the knowing of the existance of  S.Lutein and Izumio which have helped  1st and foremost my dear daughter D'Annie in her  conditions of need for  her so-called uncurable  ill...that is the bedsores also known  as pressure sores..

I felt  honoured to be the chosen one among many to be introduced to this products...  S.Lutein and Izumio.


Consider this scenario....
Sometimes things before us but we couldn't see it ... we couldn't be touched by it... nor do we bother at all to appreciate it... WHY?... because it is not meant to be...
Sometimes... what we don't know but we have the desire and the needs... will come by chance God knows how... before us through others.. and I Believe...

that is why ... i would like to share all that i have learnt through books, media and friends and along the way...
and i choose the best way that i know is through my Blog.

Others may have their own reasons to create blogs... and so do I.

I love learning, I love knowledge,  I love life and I love sharing  knowledge ....

My hope is...
That those who read my blogs will share the knowledge that i wish to extend to telling others what knowledge you may have gained.

It may not be the greatest of  info but it is  sharing what you have read and know.  

all I hope that it is shared sincerely and ....

What you know better You do better.

to quote her final show...
" I just want to do Good and caused no harm to others "

and to quote Randy Pausch .. The Last Lecture...

It 's my way of Paying Forward...

And to all... ThankYou for sharing....
