Friday, June 15, 2012

Understanding Bad Breath

What is bad breath?

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is characterised by a noticeably unpleasant odour when exhaling.

Bad breath is not always because of poor oral hygiene. There are varied reasons why you may have a bad breath. Bad breath is an embarrassing condition which is caused by several factors and can affect anyone at any time.

Since you’re less active during sleep, the mouth and tongue is exposed to less oxygen, making odours worse in the morning (explaining why we can wake up with the dreaded “morning breath”). Bad breath usually originates in the mouth, although there are a variety of causes.

Food we eat and digestion

There are various food items like fish, onion, radish and garlic that contain pungent oil which are carried to your lungs and out through your mouth which causes bad breath. Indigestion also causes bad breath. Poor digestion leads to disorder of the bowel movement or constipation which may cause bad breath due to the gasses that are produced.

Poor oral hygiene
Improper brushing techniques and insufficient rinsing lead to food particles getting trapped in your mouth. Bacteria accumulate on the bits of food left in your mouth and between your teeth which results in plagues and tartar on the teeth which causes bad breath.

Dry Mouth

Dry mouth is a perfect place for the bacteria to thrive due to inadequate saliva. Saliva is necessary to provide lubrication in the mouth which assists for proper chewing and swallowing. Saliva is also a natural mouth wash that cleanses and dilutes bacteria in the mouth.

If you are experiencing dry mouth, food particles that are trapped in the mouth rot which causes bad breath when you exhale.

The tar and nicotine in the cigarette smoke coat the teeth, mouth and tongue which results in bad breath.

Medical conditions
Dr. Sona Bhatia, Consultant Dental Surgeon at Fortis Hospitals says. “Bad breath or halitosis can be due to any other systemic problem or infection. The most common causes are upper respiratory tract infections like adenoiditis, Sinusitis, Tonsillitis. Patients having adenoiditis also form a mouth breathing habit due to difficulty in breathing through nose. Other common causes are lower respiratory tract infection (bronchiectasis), gastrointestinal disorders (Gastric reflux), and metabolic disorders like Diabetes, smoking, certain medicine and certain type of food taken by a person. Any of these systemic problem or infection should be treated to prevent bad breath.”

What causes halitosis?

The most common reason for bad breath is the creation of foul-smelling sulphur gases by bacteria which feed on plaque and small food particles in your mouth. These bacteria lurk in the little gaps and nooks around your teeth, and especially in plaque that builds up on and between teeth that haven’t been cleaned properly. The tiny craters in the surface of the tongue can also contain odour-causing bacteria.
Other causes of bad breath

In addition to the creation of sulphur and the consumption of certain triggers, some other possible causes of bad breath include:

  • low salivary flow (saliva washes away food particles and helps dilute bacteria)
  • certain medications (that cause dry mouth)
  • gum disease (infection around the teeth)
  • hormonal changes
  • dieting (eating less means you are not stimulating as much as saliva)
  • reflux after acids and bile that rise from the stomach
  • some types of illness can cause bad breath, such as tonsillitis, liver or kidney ailments, and diabetic acidosis
  • nasal or sinus infections
  • poor oral hygiene.

Preventing bad breath

In order to prevent bad breath it is important to understand the root cause of the problem. The most common causes of bad breath are preventable and easily treatable.

To prevent Bad breath Dr.Sona Bhatia recommends:

  • "One should have a balance diet containing of lot of raw vegetables and fruits. 
  • Maintain a good oral hygiene by proper brushing after every meal, use of dental floss and water pic.
  • Antiseptic mouthwashes can be used but effect lasts for a short time and constant use may damage oral mucosa.
  • Reduce ingestion of aromatic, odor releasing compounds.
  • Dental check up should be done once in six months.”
  • Bad breath may be very embarrassing, but it is important to acknowledge it and get it treated 

Myth- Mouthwash will make bad breath go away.

Mouthwash with antiseptic action can reduce the bacterial flora of the oral cavity and thus mask the problem of halitosis temporarily. But it cannot give solution to any underlying cause of halitosis. It is important to get the cause of halitosis corrected by taking professional help and guidance rather than trying to mask it with mouthwashes. Mouth wash containing alcohols can in fact cause halitosis by drying the mouth. Some people also use mouth fresheners, sprays, supari which can have harmful effects with continuous use. 


Myth – As long as you brush your teeth, you should not have bad breath.

Brushing of teeth is good habit but it is not enough to achieve good oral hygiene. Selection of toothbrush and proper technique of brushing plays a very important role. A toothbrush should have soft bristles and a short head. Improper technique along with hard and forceful brushing can lead to gingival recession and attrition of teeth over a period of time. Along with proper brushing use of dental floss is equally important. 

If you are concerned about bad breath, it is important that you take proper care of your teeth and mouth and do not get carried away by the myths.



A person can be said to have chronic bad breath when he constantly have bad breath even if he or she has a proper oral hygiene. This can be caused by the presence of oral bacteria in the mouth or even to a medical condition such as ketosis. People having this may have difficulty to interact with other people because of the fear of being rejected.

Bad breath especially will certainly hamper you in the building of relationships and it is important to know whether you are suffering from this problem. Usually friends and relatives will be afraid to tell you that you have bad breath because they will be afraid to offend you. However there are some tips that will let you know whether you chronic bad breath.

Strange Taste in Your Mouth

If you find yourself having a bad taste in your mouth then you can assume that you are suffering from chronic bad breath. The bad taste is due to the decaying of food particles in your mouth and unless you clean your teeth and tongue regularly you will not get rid of the bad taste in your month.

Would You Like A Mint?

If you find people offering you a breath mint or a freshening gum whenever they are talking to you then you must inquire whether you have bad breath. There are big chances to think that they are giving you this mint to freshen your breath in order to be able to talk with you. Many people will not like to offend people with bad breath so they politely offer them a mint. If you find yourself in this position then you might be suffering from chronic bad breath.

People Stepping Back from you

If you find people stepping back from you when you want to talk to them then there are chances that you are having chronic bad breath. People prefer to stay away from you in order to avoid your bad breath.

Strange color on the tongue

A strange white or yellow coating on the tongue can indicate that you are suffering from this. The coating on the tongue should be scraped off. 

If ever you find yourself in one of the situation listed above you should not despair because there is still hope. There are a lot of treatments that are available for chronic bad breath and you should be able to treat your problem.


Natural Remedies....

Bad breath can be a big problem for many people and many will be too embarrassed to visit their doctor over a problem like this. Fortunately there are some natural home remedies that you can use to help with your breath remedies that are good for eliminating your smelly breath altogether. Here is a list of the most utilized methods to achieve this.

1. Drinking hot unsweetened tea daily is a good natural remedy. 

2. Yoghurt is an incredibly effective way to cure smelly breath completely as it contains the good bacteria that your body needs. Eat yoghurt daily for six to seven weeks for best results.

3. Squeezing lemons into water and using as a gargle is also a good natural remedy. You need to use the gargle frequently and continue to do so until all traces of bad breath have gone. It is not a bad idea to continue the gargle occasionally just to keep bad breath away.

4. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Apples are a great source of good health and are particularly good for curing bad breath as they act as a purifier for the mouth and remove the bacteria that cause bad breath.

5. Foods that are rich in zinc help to keep bacteria under control and hence keeping your breath condition under control too.

Of course, these methods have to be carried out together with a sound oral hygiene routine. Here are some things to watch out for.

1. Using a good toothpaste
Although few realize it, toothpastes are not equal. Choosing one that best suits your personal needs is one key to fight bad breath. You must not only fight cavities but all types of anaerobic bacteria present inside your mouth.

2. Flossing and Using Mouthwashes 
Brushing your teeth and tongue is not enough to fight bad breath so flossing and utilizing mouthwashes is crucial

3. Brushing your tongue 
Many say they do but few actually do brush their teeth and this makes a large portion of bad breath causing actions. A lot of foul odors can appear from not brushing your tongue.

4. Avoiding dry mouth 
When dealing with dry mouth, lack of saliva will create an oxygen free environment that is perfect for bad odor causing anaerobic bacteria to produce waste products.

5. Professional Dental Cleaning 
This can only be performed by your dentist and it is required once every 3 months with a time frame of 6 months being recommended between every regular consultation.

6. Avoiding Bad Breath Causing Food 
Everybody knows that onions and garlic can create bad breath but few know that a lot of possible foods from a regular diet can have the same effect.

7. Change the Medication Used 
Some drugs come with the side effect of bad breath. Whenever possible, replacing them with other medications will solve this problem.

8. Treatment of Infections 
Some infections like sinusitis or tonsillitis are a common cause of bad breath. Treating such infections will also aid the individual by getting rid of the bad odor caused.

9. Sugar Free Chewing Gum 
You do not always carry your tooth brush with you so sugar less chewing gum is a great alternative that will remove potential food leftovers and will eliminate the appearance of dry mouth because of getting saliva secretion started again.

If your bad breath continues after using natural remedies then it may be time to visit your doctor and make sure there are no underlying causes that may be affecting your breath. Natural remedies do work very well for these cases though and in many cases they will be all you need. Good luck and may you have sweet smelling breath for a long time to come.


Bacteria can cause bad breath

Ninety percent of the cases of smelly breath are caused by the bacteria that are present in the mouth. Most of the bacteria that cause bad breath live at the back of the tongue and should be dislodged if you want to get rid of the the smell. 

Bacteria thrive on the food that remains in the mouth after eating food. Whenever food gets stuck in between the teeth or in the gum like this can cause bacteria to multiply and thus causes the problem.

Many types of these bacteria are commonly found on the back of the tongue, as this gives them protection from normal mouth activity. The rough edges of the tongue, with all its convenient hiding-places, are usually home to millions of these harmful bacteria, which create toxins by digesting debris, dead cells, and other matter. It is these toxins that are responsible for bad breath odors. The anaerobic respiration of these bacteria leads to build-up of compounds comprising sulfides and ammonia. These then mingle with the breath to form a highly unpleasant aerosol.


Diet and Bad Breath

People that are following a high protein diet often find themselves suffering from it. The fact of suffering from a smelly breath may come as a surprise to many people that are trying to lose some weight. Sometimes the smell is so severe that some people will have to look for ways to cure bad breath from a high protein diet.

The high protein diet works by eliminating carbohydrates from the diet in order to force the body to burn fat for energy and in doing so this can have some negative consequences on the body.

Ketones from Metabolism

When the body consumes its fat reserves ketones are generated. Ketones are the molecules that are obtained from the consumption of fat by the body. The body has the ability to use most of the ketones for energy except for one type of ketones molecule that it cannot digest namely acetone.


The body cannot process the acetone molecule and this is instead mostly released through urine and the breath. If we want to know the level of ketones in the body then the urine can be checked for this. When the body is said to have a large amount of ketones then the body can be said to be in a state of ketosis. 

Cure bad breath from a high protein diet

It may be difficult to cure bad breath from a high protein diet because this problem is an internal one. The only thing that you could do is to use some temporary remedy by using a mouth freshener.

Bad Breath vs. High protein diet

If it becomes a serious problem in your life then it will be worthwhile to consider whether you should continue the diet. People that follow a high protein diet are recommended to take an herbal body mint or a mint flavored sprays so as to deal with this problem.

If ever you are looking for a way to cure bad breath from a high protein diet then you should consider using a mouth freshener or a mint candy in order to freshen your breath. If ever you find that this is not working and you really want to cure bad breath from a high protein diet then it will be worthwhile considering stopping the diet altogether.

The best way to cure for this type of ailment is to eliminate the bacteria that are present in the gum likes, on the teeth and the tongue. The best way to achieve this is through regular brushing of the teeth. Flossing should also be done regularly. Scraping the tongue can also provide a cure for bad breath because a lot of bacteria are deposited on this part of the mouth. Cleaning your tongue regularly should provide an effective cure.

Eat a low-fat diet rich in fruits and vegetables. 

Cranberries may be able to eliminate the offensive-smelling bacteria that can build up in your mouth and lead to bad breath. Apparently, the tart berries make the bacteria less sticky, so plaque is less likely to form.

Those who are on a vegetarian style diet have less need to cure bad breath because the proteins that are in meat cause much of the bacteria that flourish in your mouth. So another way to cure bad breath is to eat less meat and more fruit and vegetables. 


Bad Breath is usually caused by the breakdown of proteins by bacteria somewhere in the mouth. If you don't brush and floss daily, particles of food remain in the mouth, collecting bacteria, which can cause bad breath. Bad breath can also be caused by dry mouth (xerostomia), which occurs when the flow of saliva decreases. Saliva is necessary to cleanse the mouth and remove particles that may cause odor.


Diabetes and The Causes of Halitosis

Diabetes can be free of symptoms in its early stages. Surveys show that large numbers of people in all countries may suffer from diabetes for years, without the condition being detected. This results in the build up of ketones in blood. Ketones are highly odorous chemicals which are formed when the body burns fat instead of carbohydrate for energy. 

Ketones are eliminated from blood through perspiration, in urine, and by way of exhaled breath. The latter joins the list of causes of halitosis, and it is a matter which a dentist cannot resolve on his or her own. This is why a dentist may send a patient to a physician, when there is nothing in the mouth which could result in halitosis. However, it is also possible that bacterial infections and diabetes are related, since high blood sugar predisposes people to immune deficiencies.

Sudden changes in diet can also cause bad breath. Fasting causes ketosis, as does a high protein diet, which also excludes carbohydrates. The bodies of people who try to lose weight rapidly, or to increase their musculatures, tend to use fat for energy, and smelly ketones build up in blood, finding their way to the lungs in the process. This is why special diets should be custom prepared for each individual by qualified experts.

As you can see there are efforts you can take to rid yourself of halitosis. Simply take care of yourself, particularly relating to oral hygiene. Believe me it is worth it because there is nothing worse than standing too close to someone with dung tongue.

Other  common Causes of Bad Breath : 

Dentures that are not cleaned properly may be collecting bacteria and remaining food particles which cause bad breath. 

One of the primary symptoms of this gum disease is foul, odorous breath, and an unpleasant taste in the mouth. This condition requires immediate care by an oral health professional. 

Smoking dries out your mouth and causes its own unpleasant mouth odor. Tobacco users are also more likely to have periodontal disease, an additional source of bad breath. 

The oils from garlic and onions are absorbed into your bloodstream and transferred to your lungs, where they're expelled when you breathe out. 

Insufficient saliva allows dead cells to accumulate in your mouth. The cells decompose and cause odor. 

Dieters may develop unpleasant "fruity" breath from ketoacidosis, the breakdown of chemicals during fasting. 

Bacteria and plaque buildup in the mouth from food caught between teeth, dentures, or dental appliances. 

Dry mouth is another element of halitosis, and this can be caused by not consuming enough fluids during the day. You should be sure that you are drinking enough water every day, and eating plenty of fruits and vegetables to help you avoid bad breath as well. Raw foods contain enzymes and antioxidants that are intended to rid the body of toxins, so a liberal serving of them will likely help you to have fresh breath through the day. If you take medications for allergies or blood pressure, you may suffer dry mouth on a daily basis, which can bring about bad breath and halitosis. So, you may have to increase your fluid intake to create more saliva in the mouth, which will remove bacteria buildup. 

Bad breathe can also be caused by medication ....Especially when it is the side effect of a medication, such as Norvasc. Most people can control their breath by watching what they eat and using mouthwash or gum. But what if your bad breath came out of nowhere because it was a side effect of a medication you were taking? You should know that medications such as Norvasc can cause bad breath. 

Symptoms of Bad Breath 

Some Symptoms of Bad Breath : 

  • Fatigue 

  • Nasal congestion 

  • Fever 

  • Cough 

  • Dental pain 

  • Nausea 

  • Bad breath (halitosis) 

  • Facial pain 

  • Difficulty breathing through your nose.
