Friday, January 13, 2012

Eating Foods To Improve Your Immune System

When your immunity gets lowered you have a better chance of getting sick with a cold or the flu. There are ways to boost your immune system by eating certain foods. Stick to a great diet to improve your immune system quickly.

Fresh Mushrooms: Of course canned mushrooms are the cheapest way to buy them, fresh mushrooms are the healthiest. Fresh mushrooms boost your immune system by increasing the amount of white blood cells.

Garlic: Fresh garlic is extremely delicious and adds a great flavor to any meal. You can grow fresh garlic bulbs in your backyard or purchase them from the grocery store. Garlic also helps keep your heart healthy and strong.

Honey: Honey can strengthen your immune system like you wouldn’t believe. Eat a tablespoon of honey off of a spoon or squeeze some honey from a bottle into your tea. It is up to you to consume honey whichever way you please.

Seafood: Crab meat, oysters, lobster and other types of fish will boost your immune system if you eat them often. Not only are they great sources of calcium, iron and vitamins, they also have a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids. This type of food also helps to prevent depression.

Cayenne Pepper: Spicy food help to improve both your immune system and your circulatory system. Cayenne peppers are just one of the peppers that will help your body. Use them fresh or dried while cooking your meals.

Broccoli: Eating broccoli fresh is the best way to consume this green vegetable. While steaming is better than boiling this vegetable, it is better to eat it fresh while all of the vitamins and nutrients are still in there.

Water: Drinking water is the best beverage for you. Juice and soda may taste delicious but the benefits are nowhere near as healthy as it is to drink a full glass of water filled with cold ice cubes.

Onions: Like mushrooms, onions are also great for the white blood cells. They also add a wonderful flavor to your spaghetti sauce, hamburger meat and potatoes.

Berries: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries are a few of the best berries to improve the immune system. Eat them for a healthy snack and put them in your waffles and pancakes for breakfast. You can even add them to a blender with ice cream and milk for a ice cream shake.

Ginger: Although ginger doesn’t help to prevent an illness, taking ginger will absolutely make you feel a lot better. Take ginger capsules or a cup of ginger ale to settle your stomach.

Green Tea: Green tea is loaded with antioxidants. Doctors suggest drinking at least two cups of green tea a day to keep the immune system high. Green tea can greatly improve your immune system and prevent any colds that your body may be getting.

Cinnamon: Cinnamon is a delicious spice that tastes great in many recipes, especially in desserts. Cinnamon is high in antioxidants which greatly improve ones immune system.
