Monday, January 16, 2012

Miracle of Water ....Dr Masaru Emoto

Interesting facts..and knowledge...

Miracles of Zam-Zam Water..


Friday, January 13, 2012

What you must know about… Antibiotics??

Antibiotics are misunderstood as some form of drug for all illnesses from the common cold to the flu to an earache and more. And that is not what antibiotics are for. 

Antibiotics are commonly known as penicillin or any of the various other names.

Antibiotics should only be used against a bacteria and not a virus. The common cold, flu (influenza), earache and bronchitis are caused by a virus and not bacterial. 

Antibiotics do nothing against a virus.

Many times someone with the flu will get antibiotics, so you wonder why are they getting antibiotics if the flu is a virus. Because the flu can turn into pneumonia and pneumonia is usually caused by a bacteria, that’s why it is treated with an antibiotic. The pneumonia is being treated with the antibiotic, not the influenza.

An illness such as meningitis can be either. It can be viral caused by a virus or it can be bacterial caused by a bacteria. Bed rest for viral and antibiotics for the bacterial. This is why you have to clean any cuts you get, if bacteria gets in the cut, you can get a bacterial infection and for that you would need an antibiotic like penicillin.

For too many years now, doctors have been prescribing antibiotics for everything like cold, flu, sore throats and earaches to children. Doctors should know better even when parents insist the doctor write out a prescription. The only sore throat that needs to be treated with antibiotics is strep. In a study done by Harvard Medical School “Health officials estimate that just between 15 percent and 36 percent of children with sore throats actually have strep. If the study's findings hold true for the entire population, that means between 1.3 million and 2.8 million children with sore throats are getting antibiotics unnecessarily each year.”

So how does this affect all of us? Think of your body as a corporation with its bosses and departments. When your body is invaded by a bacteria or virus your body takes note of this. Your immune system will look at it and decide how best to fight it and then it goes into fighting it. Your body also keeps a record of this. It files what it saw, how it fought it and what it fought it with and puts this into your body’s computer database. Each time someone tries to invade your company the boss yells out to look into the database and if it is something that has invaded before, they go to the warehouse and get what worked last time.

That is called the immune system. When you get sick your body will try and find a way to get rid of the invader and it will file away all the information for later use. That is what building up your immunity means.

This is how a vaccine works, it shows your body a possible invader and your body looks at it and decides how to fight it and stores the information into the database and the weapons to fight it go into the warehouse for possible use. Now your body didn’t have to do much because vaccines are dead virus cells, but your body certainly took note and filed it away. If later in the season this invader shows up full force, your boss is going to call out to look it up in the database and go to the warehouse and get out the proper ammunition so your body can fight this, because it had the information already filed away.

At some point you get a cold or the flu and your body sees this invader as a threat. You as the owner demand a lawyer, Mr. Penicillin, to take care of this virus invader right now, the lawyer says he cannot do anything about it that you need to fight this yourself. You tell him to get to work, but since this is a virus, penicillin is totally ineffective. Since you get better, the next time you call on Mr. Penicillin again. What really made you better was that your white cell department went to work making more white cells, which fight infections and viruses so your body on its own fought back the viral cold or flu.

Every time you ask for penicillin when it’s not needed, you weaken your body’s ability to use penicillin the next time. These bacterial invaders are not stupid either, every time they come across an antibiotic like penicillin they take note of this as well and store it in their own database, making themselves stronger and more resistant to penicillin the next time, and that’s why we are getting so-called super bugs today.
More of these super bacterial infections that the normal penicillin used to fight off don’t work any more, because the bacteria have learned, adjusted and changed into more powerful bacterial infections. An example is MRSA, which stands for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, a staph infection that has become antibiotic resistant.

That is how the overuse of antibiotics has hurt all of us. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t taken a lot of antibiotics over the years; the bacterial bugs are changing into super bugs because everyone has taken so many antibiotics. And if one of these super bugs tries to invade you, a normal antibiotic might not work. Super bugs now call for super antibiotics.

The over prescribing of antibiotics is one major cause of this, so is eating antibiotics in our food. Animals are given antibiotics to ward off and treat bacterial infections in them so they can be healthy enough for slaughter and sold for food such as beef, chicken and pork. We are ingesting antibiotics this way as well, unless you buy antibiotic free meat.

Not all bacteria are bad for us. Throughout human evolution our bodies have come into contact with bacteria and our body’s have learned from this. This has built our immune system, our body’s database. Getting rid of all bacteria is not a good thing and that is why the overuse of antibiotics and even the overuse of antibacterial soaps have not been healthy for us.

Over prescribing antibiotics drives up health care cost, limits antibiotics effectiveness and when over prescribing to kids it puts them at risk for any other side effects as well.

Note: The word antibiotic has been normally associated with antibacterial drugs such as the family of penicillin drugs. Recently there have been developments with antiviral antibiotics that treat some types of viral infections.
© 2009 Sam Montana

Mayo Clinic


When is it appropriate to use antibiotics?

Antibiotics are effective against bacterial infections, certain fungal infections and some kinds of parasites. Antibiotics don't work against viruses. The chart shows common illnesses and whether they're caused by bacteria or viruses. Taking an antibiotic when you have a viral infection won't make you feel better — and can contribute to antibiotic resistance.
Bacterial infections
Viral infections
·         Some ear infections
·         Severe sinus infections
·         Strep throat
·         Urinary tract infections
·         Many wound and skin infections
·         Most ear infections
·         Colds
·         Influenza (flu)
·         Most coughs
·         Most sore throats
·         Bronchitis
·         Stomach flu (viral gastroenteritis)

Eating Foods To Improve Your Immune System

When your immunity gets lowered you have a better chance of getting sick with a cold or the flu. There are ways to boost your immune system by eating certain foods. Stick to a great diet to improve your immune system quickly.

Fresh Mushrooms: Of course canned mushrooms are the cheapest way to buy them, fresh mushrooms are the healthiest. Fresh mushrooms boost your immune system by increasing the amount of white blood cells.

Garlic: Fresh garlic is extremely delicious and adds a great flavor to any meal. You can grow fresh garlic bulbs in your backyard or purchase them from the grocery store. Garlic also helps keep your heart healthy and strong.

Honey: Honey can strengthen your immune system like you wouldn’t believe. Eat a tablespoon of honey off of a spoon or squeeze some honey from a bottle into your tea. It is up to you to consume honey whichever way you please.

Seafood: Crab meat, oysters, lobster and other types of fish will boost your immune system if you eat them often. Not only are they great sources of calcium, iron and vitamins, they also have a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids. This type of food also helps to prevent depression.

Cayenne Pepper: Spicy food help to improve both your immune system and your circulatory system. Cayenne peppers are just one of the peppers that will help your body. Use them fresh or dried while cooking your meals.

Broccoli: Eating broccoli fresh is the best way to consume this green vegetable. While steaming is better than boiling this vegetable, it is better to eat it fresh while all of the vitamins and nutrients are still in there.

Water: Drinking water is the best beverage for you. Juice and soda may taste delicious but the benefits are nowhere near as healthy as it is to drink a full glass of water filled with cold ice cubes.

Onions: Like mushrooms, onions are also great for the white blood cells. They also add a wonderful flavor to your spaghetti sauce, hamburger meat and potatoes.

Berries: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries are a few of the best berries to improve the immune system. Eat them for a healthy snack and put them in your waffles and pancakes for breakfast. You can even add them to a blender with ice cream and milk for a ice cream shake.

Ginger: Although ginger doesn’t help to prevent an illness, taking ginger will absolutely make you feel a lot better. Take ginger capsules or a cup of ginger ale to settle your stomach.

Green Tea: Green tea is loaded with antioxidants. Doctors suggest drinking at least two cups of green tea a day to keep the immune system high. Green tea can greatly improve your immune system and prevent any colds that your body may be getting.

Cinnamon: Cinnamon is a delicious spice that tastes great in many recipes, especially in desserts. Cinnamon is high in antioxidants which greatly improve ones immune system.


Naturally Plus Global

Golden Ratio Perfect Formulation supplement

SUPER LUTEIN is a nutritional supplement containing rich amounts of carotenoids (β-carotene)
with benefits comparable to eating red, yellow, orange, and dark green leafy vegetables.

Ingredients Every 3 Capsules (1.62g)

energy10.1 kcalα-carotene840 μg
protein0.54 gβ-carotene2020 μg
fat0.78 gvitamin E72.8 mg
blackcurrant extracts72.0 mglutein18.0 mg
carbohydrate0.24 glycopene2.16 mg
sodium2.22 mgcrocetin3.0 mg
DHA46.7 mg

The Ingredients of SUPER LUTEIN

In the past, people only focus on five types of nutrients ─ protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins and minerals; later, food fiber was included as the sixth nutrient. In recent years as research in active oxygen progresses, phytonutrients have become the focus and is now regarded as the seventh nutrient.
Carotenoid is the key representative of phytonutrients and cannot be produced by the body.Those interested in a balanced diet should pay more attention to  Carotenoid.



In the word “phytochemical”, “phyto” means “plants”. “phyto” refer to the nutrients originating from plants.
From the carotenoids in carrots and spinach. To the polyphends in tea and table wine, anthocyanidins in bluebemies, lycopene in tomatoes, and isoflavones in soy beans, there are now thousands of known phytochemicals


A nutrient stored in the yellow spot area in eyes and in the skin
A type of carotenoid, lutein is stored in the eyes and skin. Cabbage, the ingredient for “green juice” and spinach, a type of yellow green vegetable, are rich in lutein. Lutein is a powerful anti-oxidant and can prevent the harmful fats in the retina from over-oxidation, as well as absorb blue rays, preventing the retina from damages.
Lutein content in spinach
(per 100g of edible parts)

ZeaxanthinComposition similar to that of lutein Stored in large quantities in our eye’s yellow spot area

Zeaxanthin has characteristics very similar to that of lutein. It is a member of the yellow orange pigment and is found in large quantities in plants such as maize and Japanese sweet “Fuyu” persimmon, as well as green tea, egg yolk, animal fats and the liver.
Through the process of metabolism, lutein is transformed into zeaxanthin, both of which are stored in the yellow spot area of the eyes. The latest research shows that lutein and zeaxanthin are located in different areas of the retina. The centre of the yellow spot has a higher ratio of zeaxanthin, while the periphery is mainly lutein.
Zeaxanthin content in Fuyu persimmon
(per 100g of edible parts)

LycopeneThe red colour pigments in tomatoes With powerful anti-oxidation effect

Lycopene is found in the red colour pigments of tomatoes. When turning ripe under the sun, tomatoes protect themselves from the sunlight by producing lycopene.
Like lutein, lycopene has anti-oxidation effects.
There is a saying in Europe: “When tomatoes turn red, doctors’ faces turn green”. From this we can see that tomatoes and a healthy life are closely related. Processed foods can release the benefits of lycopene better than fresh vegetables, and as lycopene is fat soluble, adding a little oil when cooking can enhance the absorption of lycopene by the body.
Lycopene content in tomatoes
(per 100g of edible parts)

α- / β-caroteneThe Vitamin A precursor that transforms vitamin A in the body

Both α- and β-carotene are found in the yellow and orange colour pigments of carrots and pumpkin. As they are safe in nature, they have been used as a colour addictive in foods, drinks and cosmetics since ancient times. Carotenes will be transformed into vitamin A according to the needs of the body. As they are important to the body, specialists have been actively conducting research on them for many years. Carotenes that have not undergone transformation have greater anti-oxidation effects.
Carotene within Carrot
α- carotene/β- carotene
(per 100g of edible parts)
α- carotene 3.6mg
β- carotene 7.9mg
Carotene within Pumpkin
α- carotene/β- carotene
(per 100g of edible parts)
α- carotene 0.012mg
β- carotene 0.82mg

CrocetinA natural carotenoid closely observed by researchers all over the world

Crocetin is found in the fruit of Cape jasmine and the stamen and pistil of saffron. It is both fat and water soluble. Its most striking feature is its tiny molecular volume, which makes it easily absorbed by the body. At present researchers worldwide are conducting in-depth studies on how crocetin can relieve eye fatigue.
Take Cape jasmine for example. The colour molecules found in its fruit contain a glucose substance “crocetin (crocetin glycoside)” which is water soluble. This colour pigment can be said to be a safe, naturally occurring colour dye. It has been used as a colour addictive in Japanese “wagashi” sweet snacks and rice since ancient times. Crocetin is crocetin with the glucose removed, and only 1kg of crocetin can be extracted from 750kg of fruit, and is thus a precious natural carotenoid.
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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Legend of Pleasure


To those who Believe and Understand the meaning of Life..

And their mission ..... and destination .....

Enjoy... the Pleasure of Life .... 
