An Underactive Thyroid Impacts On Whole Body Health
Are you gaining weight for no reason?Or finding it impossible to lose weight, even with a healthy diet and exercise?
Is your hair falling out?
Do you constantly feel tired, lethargic, moody and even depressed some days?
The thyroid is often called the body’s major metabolic regulator. This is the gland that keeps your body humming to ensure it functions in tip-top shape. For example; keeping your heart beating, digesting food, building bone and growing hair and nails.
A healthy thyroid is crucial to overall health. If your thyroid is under functioning your whole body suffers.
Low body temperature and fatigue are the two of the most common tell-tale symptoms of an under active thyroid.
Underactive thyroid symptoms usually develop slowly over time, often over a number of years. The symptoms are usually subtle in the early stages. However as the condition worsens the symptoms become more obvious.
Low Thyroid Warning
An underactive thyroid gland, or hypothyroidism is characterised by low production or reduced activity of the thyroid hormones. When thyroid activity declines you may feel like your whole body is slowing to a crawl.Are you worried about low thyroid symptoms? Take a few moments to look over my low thyroid symptoms checklist to help you pinpoint a possible low thyroid disorder.
Your Low Thyroid Symptoms Checklist
Synthetic thyroxine (T4) is the mainstay of medical treatment for hypothyroidism. However many natural health experts argue thyroid hormone replacement therapy does not treat the root cause of a thyroid problem.
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