The UK’s first Halal make up range has been launched by Muslim business woman, Samina Akhter, called Pure Makeup.
When I think of Halal I usually think of food, but in the context of make up, it means that none of the ingredients will contain alcohol or animal by products. Samina’s make up is made in accordance to strict Islamic Law.
I did a quick interview with Samina Akhter to ask her about the rage and also to see what she felt about the people (Daily Mail commenters *cough*!) who thought the range was at odds with Muslim beliefs.
1. What inspired you to start your own make up line?
I wanted to create my own brand of Halal certified makeup because I didn’t feel 100% comfortable with the products that where available, I felt that the ingredient lists were not easy to understand and it was difficult to really know what was in the products.
2. Did you create the range with Muslim women in mind (because the range is certified Halal?)
The range was inspired by Muslim women but is not just for Muslim women, it’s for all women who want peace of mind with the knowledge that what is going onto their skin is completely pure. The range is also chemical, paraben and preservative free so it’s a complete ethical option.
3. I’ve noticed that you have foundation colours that start from fair – are you hoping to appeal to women of all races?
I’m hoping to attract women of all races all ethnicities and all ages. Women from around the globe would all benefit from using makeup which is in it’s purest form
4. There are other mineral make up ranges around that are already ‘vegan’ friendly – how do you think your range differs from other similar products?
We are different from other Makeup companies because we have no alcohol, no animal products and also no chemicals so this is the complete package. We noticed some companies claim to be animal free but may contain Carmine which is crushed beetles, also it is difficult to know if the raw sources contain any animal or alcohol substances. Our certifying board go back to the raw source and supplier to ensure the whole process complies.
5. What kind of ingredients do you think women should look out for in cosmetics (ie. Animal Byproducts and nasty additives?)
Some common ingredients which may have animal or additives are oleic acid, stearic acid and glycerin. In addition substances such as collagen, elastin and keratin could have come from Pig placenta.
6. Finally – I have seen some comments about this range, saying that it isn’t necessarily a ‘Muslim’ thing to wear excessive make up because of the Islamic views on the importance of modesty.
Do you feel that having a make up range that is ‘Halal’ is in anyway contradictory? Or is it simply fulfilling a realistic need of the modern British Asian woman?
In Islam It is considered good for a wife to make the effort to look attractive for her Husband while also maintaining a modest appearance when in public. There are plenty of family and women only occasions where Muslim Women can wear what they want. The truth is both practicing and non practicing Muslim women wear makeup, if so then why not provide a Halal option. Our range gives women choices.
Thanks so much to Samina who answered my questions, even though it’s been very busy on her end, with all the press attention!
I think it’s a fantastic idea, not just for Muslim women but for anyone who wants a make up product that is free of animal products, preservatives and alcohol. The range has colours for fair skintones as well as dark so it seems to me that the brand has considered women of all colour.
I would definitely buy things from this range to try, especially the bright eyeshadows!
What do you guys think of this make up range? Does it inspire you to buy?
You can view the range here.
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